Like to look at code? Come find me on GitHub!
Here are just a few of my recent projects.
Virtual Visit
Online exhibits and tours have been around for a while, but got more attention during 2020. I created this site to collect, summarizes, and direct you to options for activities you can experience from home. Enjoy!
This project was an exercise in learning TailwindCSS.
This project is live!
Is it In Season?
My coding bootcamp capstone project. A friend gave me the specs: create a website that let them learn when produce was in season, find recipes that used the ingredient, and where to buy local produce!
I built a C# API with information about the produce shown here, and I created the frontend with React. Each item on the color wheel is clickable and leads to details supplied by the API. Clicking on “Search by Season” takes the user to a directory of the four seasons. The “Recipes” tab directs the user to links for recipes available online. Each page directs the user to the USDA’s directory of local farmers markets.
Online Resume
An online version of my resume, built for fun in HTML and CSS, with just a little JavaScript.
Learn some more about my skills and experiences by checking it out!
This project is live!
Tea Tracker
This React project allows owners of the imaginary Alpine Valley Teas keep track of their inventory. Buttons allow store employees to add new types of tea to their stock, and increase and decrease amounts that they have on hand as they track sales.
See the repository on GitHub.
ParksExplorer is an MVC site that allows visitors to national and state parks, forests, and monuments learn about the sites, landmarks, and facilities before their visits. This site consumes my C# ParksDirectory API.
Learn more about it on GitHub!
The Hidden Garden
This group project, built in C# with Entity Framework, allows neighbors to build stronger community ties! The MVC frontend consumes a C# backend designed by the group. Neighbors can login to create and delete their own posts about activities, resources, and spaces that they want to share while reading posts from their community.
See the repository on GitHub.